Rover C4 Presentation + Quick Test

Today we want to give you a deeper look into the OKM Rover C4 and all its features, thats why our CEO Stephan takes you along a treasure hunt. The Rover C4 is one of the favorites in the treasure hunting community. Stephan gives you an overview what you need to bring with you on a treasure hunt with the Rover C4. He takes scans with all 4 detection modes of the Rover C4, like the magnetometer. The magnetometer is used to eliminate trash from the scan area to prepare it for a deeper 3D Ground Scan. After analyzing the 3D Ground Scan and now knowing were the possible targets are, Stephan performs a Pinpointer Scan to determine the exact location of the treasure. The fourth mode of the Rover C4 is the Mineral Scan, which is used to find natural gold reserves underground.